Yesterday, I hit a new sales milestone

While my American subscribers enjoyed their Monday off, I was hard at work! Yesterday, I published the advance review copy (ARC) of Framed: A Villain’s Perspective on Social Media. It’s being sent out to media personalities, authors, podcasters, and some other people who have agreed to read the book early and allow me to create promotional material using their names and reviews.

One third of the book remains in the hands of my editor. The ARC contains the raw versions of those chapters. Altogether, Framed exceeds 130,000 words. This will be over 400 pages in print. Just think, it can be yours for a dollar!

Yesterday was also significant because I hit a sales number I haven’t logged yet: zero.

I sold zero copies of my book. No converting ads. No organic action. No friends, family, subscribers, or former coworkers ponied up. I lost my #1 rank. This is the reality of self-publishing. I blitzed my networks for ten days and the response was kind. Now it’s time to face the outside world and accept that plenty of people won’t respond. Plenty of people who do respond and do read parts of my book simply won’t like the book.

I started media outreach this week. If you know anyone who might be interested in hearing about how bots ravaged Instagram in the late 2010s, send me their info. Framed isn’t the next great American novel. It isn’t the story of a generation. It’s the story of the generation that was corrupted by the internet yet can coherently speak on what happened and when.

I wrote Framed because I read all of the other books and I wasn’t satisfied. There’s something much deeper here that no outsider can capture. I broke the rules, I made money, and I spent years shaping my story. In ten days, you’ll get to read it and rate it out of five stars.


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